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Taseko Talks

Congratulations to Taseko’s Creating Opportunity Scholarship Winners!

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As school starts this Fall, we’d like to take an opportunity to congratulate the winners of Taseko’s inaugural Creating Opportunities Scholarship program.

Rebecca Elefson, daughter to Karla and Bruce Elefson, a Mill Operator at Gibraltar, graduated from Lake City Secondary this year. A member of the Williams Lake Blue Fins, Rebecca participated with the swim club’s competitive team for many years. She is currently working with the BC Forest Service as an Initial Attack Fire Fighter and will continue her education this fall at Vancouver Island University. Rebecca is pursuing a Bachelor of Kinesiology degree in hopes of becoming a physiotherapist.

Creating Opportunities Scholorship Winner: Rebecca Elefson

Kalub Scaiano, son of Gibraltar Automotive Mechanic Tyler Scaiano, graduated from Lake City Secondary this past June. After being accepted into the ITA Youth Train in Trades Program, he completed the heavy duty/commercial transport mechanics foundation program at TRU before starting his work experience program at Gibraltar in May. Kalub was excited to begin gaining experience and hours towards the first year of his apprenticeship, and enjoys working on the large equipment at the mine. Looking forward to what the future has in store, Kalub is fully motivated to become a certified heavy-duty mechanic. He is grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the Gibraltar team and thanks everyone who has helped him learn more about heavy duty mechanics.

Creating Opportunities Scholorship Winner: Kalub Scaiano

Creating Opportunities Scholorship Winner: Kalub Scaiano