TSX: TKO  3.23 CAD
LSE: TKO  191.00 GBP


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3.23 CAD
2.36 USD
191.00 GBP
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15min. delay (Updated: 2024-07-15 - 16:00:00)

Why Invest

01 Team

A Proven Team of Mine Builders and Operators

With decades of experience in mine finance, permitting, construction and operations, Taseko’s senior leadership team has demonstrated the capability to grow the company’s copper production and revenues through efficient operations and timely advancement of development-stage assets.

02 Fundamentals

Strong Copper Fundamentals

Known as the metal of electrification, copper is a critical material to facilitate the global shift to a low-carbon future. Experts estimate that global supply of copper needs to double by 2025 in order for countries around the world to meet their energy transition goals. Taseko is ideally positioned to benefit from this unprecedented growth.

03 Cash

Conservative Cash Profile

Taseko manages its balance sheet conservatively, ensuring sufficient liquidity throughout the copper commodity cycle

04 Location

Focused on North America

Taseko assets are all located in stable and secure North America jurisdictions characterized by: the rule of law; strong civil institutions; high environmental, occupational health & safety and human rights standards; skilled labour; modern infrastructure and well-supported mining sectors. These conditions are fundamental to our reputation and long-term success.

05 Pipeline

Diverse Project Pipeline

Beyond its operating Gibraltar Mine, Taseko has a pipeline of world-class development projects in copper, gold, silver and niobium. Florence Copper represents near-term growth, and the opportunity to nearly double Taseko’s copper production over current levels.

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Analyst Coverage

Any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding the performance of Taseko Mines made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent the opinions, estimates or forecasts of Taseko Mines or its management. Taseko Mines does not by its reference above or distribution imply that it analyzes or approves of such information, conclusions or recommendations.

Taseko Mines does not distribute analysts’ reports. This list may not be complete and may change as firms add or delete coverage.

Analyst Company Name
Shane Nagel National Bank Financial
Jeff Wooley Paradigm Capital Inc.
Craig Hutchison TD Securities
Mike Kozak Cantor
Rene Cartier BMO
Andrew Weekly Smith Weekly
Alex Bedwany Canaccord
Kieron Hodgson Panmure Gordon
Cole McGill Stifel

Taseko Talks

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Gibraltar Pioneers Groundbreaking Biological Water Treatment Process

  • company updates
  • gibraltar mine

Since 2009, Gibraltar has discharged surplus water from its Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) to the nearby Fraser River under strict conditions enforced by the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. Permit conditions address the quality, quantity and timing of water to be discharged each year.

Under the terms of its discharge permit and federal regulation, Gibraltar is obliged to undertake far-reaching studies to ensure surplus water releases do not affect downstream fish or fish habitat. Regular water quality monitoring, as well as sampling of river sediments, benthic organisms (those living in river sediments) and fish tissue, have consistently demonstrated no impairment to Fraser River water quality and no impacts to fish or fish habitat.

In 2022, however, Gibraltar curtailed its water discharges to the Fraser River due to elevated nitrate levels in tailings water. Nitrates are associated with the use of explosives in the mining process and can accumulate in tailings over time.

To address this concern and ensure that water stored in the TSF meets permit requirements prior to discharge, Taseko, Gibraltar and consultants initiated a project to determine if biological treatment could provide a low-impact, passive solution to elevated nitrate levels. Following an initial pilot test, baseline monitoring and 3D modeling, as well as engagement with Indigenous communities and provincial permitting, a novel in-situ biological water treatment process was implemented in the spring of 2023.

A first of its kind in British Columbia, the biological treatment initiative utilized naturally occurring microbes within the TSF water body to target and reduce nitrate concentrations through a single application of a food-grade organic carbon source. The application was strategically timed to take advantage of natural stratification and seasonal turnover within the tailings pond, in order to maximize treatment efficacy and achieve targeted water quality.

The in-situ biological treatment process proved to be a resounding success, lowering nitrate levels in Gibraltar tailings water to well below permit limits - without any waste by-products, adverse chemistry or unnecessary legacy infrastructure. As a result, the authorized discharge of surplus water from the Gibraltar TSF was resumed in the fall of 2023.