TSX: TKO  3.23 CAD
LSE: TKO  191.00 GBP


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3.23 CAD
2.36 USD
191.00 GBP
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15min. delay (Updated: 2024-07-15 - 16:00:00)

Why Invest

01 Team

A Proven Team of Mine Builders and Operators

With decades of experience in mine finance, permitting, construction and operations, Taseko’s senior leadership team has demonstrated the capability to grow the company’s copper production and revenues through efficient operations and timely advancement of development-stage assets.

02 Fundamentals

Strong Copper Fundamentals

Known as the metal of electrification, copper is a critical material to facilitate the global shift to a low-carbon future. Experts estimate that global supply of copper needs to double by 2025 in order for countries around the world to meet their energy transition goals. Taseko is ideally positioned to benefit from this unprecedented growth.

03 Cash

Conservative Cash Profile

Taseko manages its balance sheet conservatively, ensuring sufficient liquidity throughout the copper commodity cycle

04 Location

Focused on North America

Taseko assets are all located in stable and secure North America jurisdictions characterized by: the rule of law; strong civil institutions; high environmental, occupational health & safety and human rights standards; skilled labour; modern infrastructure and well-supported mining sectors. These conditions are fundamental to our reputation and long-term success.

05 Pipeline

Diverse Project Pipeline

Beyond its operating Gibraltar Mine, Taseko has a pipeline of world-class development projects in copper, gold, silver and niobium. Florence Copper represents near-term growth, and the opportunity to nearly double Taseko’s copper production over current levels.

Financial Reports

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Analyst Coverage

Any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding the performance of Taseko Mines made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent the opinions, estimates or forecasts of Taseko Mines or its management. Taseko Mines does not by its reference above or distribution imply that it analyzes or approves of such information, conclusions or recommendations.

Taseko Mines does not distribute analysts’ reports. This list may not be complete and may change as firms add or delete coverage.

Analyst Company Name
Shane Nagel National Bank Financial
Jeff Wooley Paradigm Capital Inc.
Craig Hutchison TD Securities
Mike Kozak Cantor
Rene Cartier BMO
Andrew Weekly Smith Weekly
Alex Bedwany Canaccord
Kieron Hodgson Panmure Gordon
Cole McGill Stifel

Taseko Talks

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Educating the Future: Taseko's Partnership with MineralsEd

  • beyond potential
  • company updates
  • corporate giving
  • gibraltar mine

Educating the Future: Taseko's Partnership with MineralsEd

Taseko is proud to be a partner in the MineralsEd’s Regional Spotlight: A Career in the Mining Industry Series!

The initiative is part of Taseko’s ongoing commitment to foster education and career opportunities in the mining sector for young people. MineralsEd, a non-profit educational organization operating in British Columbia since 1991, is dedicated to encouraging and supporting earth sciences, mineral resources, and mining education in schools.

This spring, the 2nd annual Regional Spotlight Careers Program launched, providing students with an exciting opportunity to engage in a virtual career panel and visit an operating mine. Among the participating sites was Taseko’s Gibraltar copper mine, a testament to our dedication to educational outreach and community involvement.

Inspiring the Next Generation

During the virtual career panel, Ramin Nauman, EIT Mine Engineering at Taseko’s Gibraltar Mine, delivered a presentation to students from across the province. Her talk goal was  to spark interest in mining careers and showcase the diverse employment opportunities available within the industry.

Hands-On Learning Experience

Following the panel, students were invited to Gibraltar for an immersive experience at an operating mine site. This hands-on encounter allowed them to gain a deeper understanding of mining careers. The turnout was exceptional, with Gibraltar hosting 50 students and their teachers from the Cariboo-Chilcotin (SD 27), Quesnel (SD 28), and Barriere (SD 73) school districts.

During their visit, students had the chance to speak with industry professionals, explore various aspects of the mining operation, and visualize their potential future careers in the mining industry. This kind of direct interaction is invaluable in helping students make informed decisions about their career paths and inspiring them to pursue their goals with confidence.

Our Commitment to Education and Community

Taseko is proud to support MineralsEd and its mission to inspire and encourage students to consider the vast array of career possibilities within the mining sector. By participating in programs like the Regional Spotlight: A Career in the Mining Industry Series, we hope to open doors for young people and highlight the exciting opportunities that await them in the world of mining.

MineralsEd 2024 MineralsEd 2024 MineralsEd 2024 MineralsEd 2024 MineralsEd 2024 MineralsEd 2024