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View our Latest Sustainability Report

H20 + ESG: 2023 Sustainability Report

Download: 2023 Report

Sustainability Approach

Creating 360 Degrees of Value

At Taseko, we are driven to unlock the true value of copper for our investors, our employees and operating communities, and for a complex, ever-changing world. Recognizing opportunity and delivering enduring value is about more than business results – it’s about supporting people and contributing to a brighter future.

Operational Excellence

Taseko is a top-flight operator and leading North American copper producer across a range of key dimensions – operational efficiency, low water-, energy- and GHG-intensity, environmentally sound, socially responsible mining, healthy & safe workplaces. We believe exceptional on-the-ground performance translates into exemplary ESG performance.

Focused on Copper

Taseko is a leading North American producer of copper – a fundamental and irreplaceable material for facilitating Canada and America’s transition to a low carbon future. Solar and wind power generation, electric vehicles and charging stations, even more energy-efficient buildings, homes and transmission grids all require a reliable, responsible and growing source of domestic copper.


Environmental Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Indigenous Relations Policy

Sustainability Reports

2023 ESG Report
2023 ESG Report
2023 ESG Summary Table
2023 ESG Summary Table
2022 ESG Report
2022 ESG Report
Scroll down to a section on this page to read more:
Environment Social Indigenous Relations Governance


Taseko's approach to environmental management at its operating sites and development projects is multi-faceted, responsive to local conditions and driven by a relentless focus on resource conservation and operational efficiency. Our mines and development projects have been recognized for environmental excellence across a range of dimensions.

Award Winning Environmental Performance

Taseko’s Gibraltar mine has been recognized several times for outstanding achievement in mine reclamation and Indigenous collaboration from prestigious and well recognized institutions.

Taseko and Gibraltar strive to contribute to the conservation of biological diversity through all stages of the mine life cycle. The focus on reclamation projects and progressive reclamation research trials is evident in the award recognitions from  the British Columbia Technical and Research Committee on Reclamation and  Mining Association of BC and the Province of British Columbia.

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North America’s most efficient copper mine

Taseko’s Florence Copper project will utilize a unique ‘in-situ copper recovery’ (ISCR) extraction method and on-site solvent extraction/electrowinning (SX/EW) processing to produce LME grade A copper cathode in central Arizona. In doing so, it is expected to be North America’s most energy and GHG-efficient copper mine – producing American copper in America, without offshore smelting or shipping. 

At full commercial production, refined copper produced at Florence is expected to have the lowest energy- and GHG-intensity per unit of production among primary copper mines in North America, based on 2022 reporting. The project will result in 71% fewer carbon emissions, 65% less energy and 78% less water consumed per pound of copper produced as compared to conventional open-pit copper mines in Arizona.

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Copper and the Energy Transition

While copper is an essential metal for our everyday lives, it has also become increasingly important as foundational material for the world’s transition to a low-carbon future.

The production, transmission and distribution of renewable energy and the manufacture of associated technologies – such as solar arrays, wind turbines and electric vehicles – simply could not be undertaken without copper. Due to its conductivity, its ductility and cost, there is currently no viable alternative to copper in many electrical applications.

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Taseko delivers ‘360 degrees of value’ to our employees and the communities in which we operate. Our work benefits people and communities by: providing meaningful, well-paid local jobs; ensuring healthy and safe workplaces; and supporting local and grassroots organizations dedicated to delivering on-the-ground community support.

Commitment to our Workforce

Taseko maintains inclusive workplace environments that provides equal opportunity, welcomes a diversity of people and views, and encourages continuous improvement, learning and career advancement.

We prioritize health and safety across the organization by making the well-being of our employees, contractors, families and communities a top priority. As a North American company, we operate in some of the most progressive and highly regulated workplace jurisdictions in the world. We accept and welcome the high standards and expectations of North American government regulators, labour unions and general public, and have instilled a culture of ‘safety throughout our company.

Delivering Value to People and Communities

Taseko is proud to offer opportunity and deliver benefits to people and communities. Throughout our business, we seek to maximize local economic benefits through training and employment, contracting and procurement, and participation in regional business initiatives. Taseko’s goal is to become an economic foundation for the regions in which we operate by optimizing the integration of our operations directly into local economies. In this way, we support stronger, more resilient communities.

Corporate Giving and Community Partnerships

Through charitable giving, community investment and sponsorship, Taseko supports initiatives that help people and communities achieve their full potential. We focus on supporting local and grassroots organizations that deliver on-the-ground community support, offering people the opportunity to better their lives through health and wellness, education, and other community programs.

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Indigenous Relations

At the heart of Taseko’s Indigenous Peoples Policy is a commitment to establish and maintain respectful and mutually beneficial relationships with Indigenous Nations and their members. The Company acknowledges and respects Indigenous People’s rights, culture, interests and goals, and is motivated to contribute to the ongoing process of Reconciliation with Canada’s and North America’s Indigenous people.

Agreements with Indigenous groups

Participation & Cooperation Agreements with Indigenous Nations, and other similar agreements, create meaningful opportunities for Indigenous communities. These agreements allow their members to participate in economic development and business opportunities, to access employment and training, and participate in planning and dialogue. Taseko has established a number of agreements with Indigenous Nations at its operating sites and development properties, including Participation and Cooperation Agreements with Xatsull First Nation and Williams Lake First Nation.

Collaborative Programs with our Indigenous Neighbours

Taseko undertakes Indigenous engagement and incorporates traditional knowledge into its environmental and reclamation programs to ensure First Nations people are directly involved in our activities, and to achieve optimal environmental outcomes. Gibraltar’s 10+ year partnership with the Xatsull First Nation on the mine’s reclamation program has been an award-winning success. Since the program began, the collaborative partnership has provided work experience and seasonal employment opportunities for more than 20 community members.


Delivering sound and effective corporate governance processes and structures to ensure the effective, efficient and prudent operation of the Company.

Corporate Governance & Code of Ethics

To Taseko, corporate governance means having processes and structures in place to provide the proper management and direction for our business affairs. Sound and effective corporate governance is essential to Taseko's long-term success and critical to the effective, efficient and prudent operation of the Company. Taseko's corporate governance policies are designed to provide a framework for our Board of Directors to monitor and evaluate the management of the Company. Our Board ensures that Taseko is managed for the long-term benefit of our shareholders and other major stakeholders.

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Taseko Talks

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